Friday, May 14, 2010

living well

Psalm 90:12
 So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Health has been on my mind a lot lately.  Caring for two sick boys takes a toll on the whole household in some way or another.  I think my washing machine has been going a mile a minute for a week.  As I watched my boys laying around lifeless and looking so out of sorts, I was still learning about them.  They didn't complain of pain or tremble in fear when rushing to the toilet for the umpteenth time; they just rolled with it!  I was the one complaining and trembling-- I was annoyed and scared as my child lay his head on the kitchen counter.

As we survived this small bout of the stomach flu.....I'm still reminded of sickness and health. 

 As I write this, Ryan is away serving a fallen Marine's family. 
A family friend or ours has just begun running the unknown race of cancer. 
Another woman has just met her maker after battling cancer for years. 
Another family member is caring with her dad through the same disease. 

May I prioritize my days and spend them as I should!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

joyful appearances

These past couple weeks have been filled with different struggles and happy celebrations!  In so many aspects of my life I feel completely endowed---our life isn't perfect, BUT most days I can see God's grace and gifts abounding.
Joy appears in these places:

A husband, that no matter how annoyed he may be with me, continually
befriends me
knows how to communitcate with me
loves me through my craziness
lends me a helping hand!

My family, no matter how close or far away, without hesitation
prays for me
supports me
and laughs with me through life!

Our firstborn, who, oh yes, tries our nerves but still
wants to pray when he hears an ambulance
almost every morning, tells me he wants to just see Jesus!

Our secondborn, no matter how chaotic our home is, manages to
bring us peace
sing beautifully
dance with spirit!

Our babysitter, that we trust or boys to daily, who
is Godly
and makes my boys smile!

My God, no matter how many times I fail him
picks me back up and reminds me that I can do

Lately, I've become raw by so much strife in this world...disease, death, addictions, gossip, infidelity, the consequences of divorce-- this list could just go on and on.  I just needed to take some time to list a few of my celebrations.
May I learn not to worry about the evil on this earth, and may I learn how to guide others through their storms and prepare my heart and soul for my own!  Oh, to be more like HIM!
1 Thessalonians 11-12
Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job. You've heard all this from us before, but a reminder never hurts. We want you living in a way that will command the respect of outsiders, not lying around sponging off your friends.

About Me

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Totally in love with my life and I don't want to miss a thing!
treasures of mine