Monday I hurried to clean my house before it was time to pick up the boys from daycare. This consisted of closet straightening, laundry folding, vaccumming, dusting, and even a few lucky windows became free of fingerprints.
I looked at my dust cloth in the midst of my dusting and I couldn't help but compare this cleaning binge to the cleaning and purging we sometimes need within our own lives.
Sometimes you just have to wipe away dirt to see the beauty again! I need to take time to make sure things are in the proper places. Dust is natural, however, too much can cause probelms and take away the fascination.
It's so easy to neglect or postpone daily chores. When we neglect daily chores the pile only gets bigger and then it takes even more energy to complete the task. When I get lazy and choose to put off my chores my house is messy, we trip over things, and feel bogged down by our surroundings.
Why do I put off till tomorrow what I should do today? How can I neglect somethings in my life? Why do I choose to only clean a few windows....I should have done them all!
If we want a healthy home, we have to care for it and give it proper maintenence, afterall....everything I've chosen to put in my home deserves to feel cared for and sparkly.
I have had this same discussion with myself so many times, but others have reminded me of what I will say now. You may have put off some cleaning here or there, but you have addressed and cared for many pertinent things through and through, day after day. All things get done in their time. However, cleaning out my soul, mind, and body...I move that to the top of the list even if it foresakes dusting, laundry, or dishes. Many days we get it all done, and those are the Hip Hip Hooray Days.